Horseback Riding

Houston, TX

“As far as prep, we start by grooming. We brush all of the dirt off, get any tangles out of their mane and tail, and pick their feet to make sure there aren’t any rocks that could cause pain (think of a rock getting stuck in your shoe). Then we tack up - saddle pad and saddle go first, then some people will wrap their legs for protection. And lastly the headstall!”

I started riding when I was 8 years old. Hard to believe it’s been 20 years! I initially started riding because I loved horses and thought they were just beautiful animals. Riding has now become such a huge part of my life that I can’t picture myself not doing it. As soon as I step into the barn or swing my leg over the saddle, all of my stress just goes away. However, my favorite part of owning horses isn’t even the riding - in fact, I usually spend more time on the ground than in the saddle. Spending time grooming and caring for my horses is by far the best, because that’s where the bond is created between us.

- Sarah Holleman

My horse (pictured below) Nova, is what some would call a typical red-headed mare. She is very opinionated at times, and good luck forcing her to do anything she doesn’t want to do; however, like most strong - willed women, she is extremely loyal and we have a strong bond (even though she always looks like she’s annoyed with her ears to the side!)

- Sarah Holleman


McVaigh Family Photos